01 February 2021 23:29 WIB

Exotic Car With Multifunction Tyre

"Accelera PHI on 2010 Maserati GranTurismo GTS"

Italian car wearing Accelera as it shoes?

Don’t get confused, we produced nearly 1,000 different sizes of tires and were welcomed by 98 nations of the world. So, the chance of Accelera being used on a wide variety of cars is really huge.

This Maserati GranTurismo GTS for example which uses a pair of Accelera Phi that’s known for its versatility. Accelera Phi has been proven to handle really well at all seasons. It’s sheer strength and flexibility is just simply astonishing on different kinds of road surfaces. And, don’t forget the grip and cornering capability that has been loved by its users.

The owner of this Maserati, William Tjendera, bought this car with a black exterior and Cambrio Corsa Red Interior combination making the looks to be really elegant. 

Don’t be fooled with the elegant look though. Because, it packed a Ferrari developed V8 under the hood with the infamous F430 transmission along with Ferrari F1 Trac traction derived from the 599 GTB. With all of that features combined, hitting 295kph is certainly possible with this car.

We agree with William and Farley from AT Motorsport who modded this Maserati with a Light Tuning concept. There weren't a lot of changes but the looks are really nice and functional.

The oem wheels have been changed in favor of 22 x (9,5+ 11) Auto Couture Solid wheels and 255/30ZR22 and 295/25ZR22 Accelera Phi tires. To reduce the wheel gap on this Maserati, a set of H&R lowering kit has been selected. Furthermore, to enhance the sound of the Ferrari developed V8, a Bennet plus valvetronic exhaust F1 has been installed.

This Maserati is not just beautiful and pretty to look at. But, it’s also a nice daily driver for its owner. For the tires, William said that Accelera Phi is silent and has a low rolling resistance. Meanwhile, Farley stated that, “Accelera Phi is a strong tire to carry a lot of weight but still capable of being used at high speed.”



Mobil Italia memakai Accelera? 

Jangan heran, kami memproduksi hampir 1.000 ukuran dan sudah diterima oleh 98 negara. Maka peluang untuk dipakai di berbagai jenis mobil, sangat terbuka lebar. 

Maserati GranTurismo GTS ini menggunakan ban Accelera Phi, tipe yang dikenal serbaguna. Accelera Phi punya performa andal di sepanjang musim. Kekuatan dan fleksibilitasnya sangat baik di berbagai permukaan jalan. Serta jangan lupa, kemampuan mencengkeram dan menikungnya banyak disukai pemakainya.

Pemiliknya, William Tjendera, membeli Maserati GranTurismo GTS berwana hitam dengan interior merah Cambrio Corsa. Tampilannya memang elegan, namun kinerja mesin V8 hasil kerja sama dengan Ferrari sudah lebih dari cukup. Apalagi transmisi memakai F430 Scuderia yang memiliki sistem F1 Trac traction dari 599 GTB. Top speednya 295 km/jam.

Kami setuju William bersama Farley dari AT Motorsport, memodifikasi Maserati GranTurismo GTS ini dengan light tuning.

Rincian yang diaplikasinya adalah velg Auto Couture Solid 22 x (9,5 + 11) inci, ban Accelera Phi 255/30ZR22 dan 295/25ZR22, lowering kit dari H&R, muffler menggunakan Bennet plus valvetronic exhaust F1.

Maserati ini selain indah dari segi estetika namun juga bandel juga tangguh untuk dipakai harian. Khusus untuk bannya, William menyebut, "Ban ini silent." Resistensi gelindingnya rendah. Sedangkan Farley dari menambahkan, "Accelera Phi ini ban yang kuat menopang bobot berat, namun tetap bisa dipakai di high speed."

